Residential Wood Roofing Experts

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There are two types of wood roofing systems. There are cedar shakes and cedar shingles. The biggest difference between the shingles is the irregularity of the shakes. Cedar shingles are cut the same width and same thickness and are uniform across a roof. Cedar shakes tend to be installed with different thicknesses and widths.

Fire Retardant Treated Roofing
Fire retardant cedar shakes and shingles can be used as an affordable and efficient alternative in many areas where the building code requires flame-resistant roofing materials.There are three different classes for fire treatment roofing systems available

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Cedar shakes and shingles are the most durable roofing materials available on the market today. Western Red Cedar’s natural ability to flex allows it to withstand some of the harshest weather conditions in the world: areas such as Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska.

Wind tests, conducted by the shake and shingle association stated that cedar roofing materials can withstand winds up to 130mph.

Insulation Value

Due to cedar’s natural high “R” rating (resilience to heat conductivity) your home will be cooler in the hottest summer, saving you money your energy bill. Cedar can also withstand freezing temperatures and will keep your home warm and dry in the winter. So you are guaranteed low energy bills due to the insulation value from the cedar roofing system.


Factory pressure impregnated treatment can extend the longevity of the roofing system. The treatment of preservatives can protect the roof from fungal decay. Material warranties on the treatments are available from the treatment manufacturers.

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