Commercial TPO Roofing Systems

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TPO roofing systems unite both polypropylene (plastic) with ethylene-propylene (rubber) using the latest manufacturing polymer technology. The result is an ideal roofing system, it is a reliable, affordable, energy efficient option that is environmentally friendly and easy to install. These systems can be installed in either a fully adhered fashion or mechanically fastened. TPO is the perfect solution for both a new construction project or even re-roofs or overlays.

Black roofs can reach excessive temperatures in the heat, sometimes ranging as high as 170?F, however, a highly reflective white surface of EverGuard TPO can be significantly lower. This has to do with the emitting qualities of the white membrane, which allows for much less solar radiation transmitted through the roof to your property. Energy prices are on the rise, using a black roofing system will only increase your cost. Why not go with a white EverGuard thermoplastic roof instead?

Installing a white roof can save you a significant amount of money. The U.S. Department of Energy?s Oak Ridge National Laboratory estimated that the total savings could offset the cost of the installation of a new white roof up to 50% depending on where you live. That is a staggering amount; give us a call today to set up a consultation!

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